JM works hard to bring success to our clients not only in web design, but also through a multitude of other services.  One such area is our Strategic Marketing service. We understand that we cannot be all things to all people, but we can bring all people together. In this case, Strictly Business provides the invaluable service of magazine advertising to a high volume business person readership.


Strictly Business Magazine offers a broad readership for people in need of business and also personal products and services. The magazine was designed to place our advertisers in front of those people. By reaching businesses, SB is also reaching the exact target for the community’s largest consumer base, people with buying power. Research finds that mailing directly to a business, versus free distribution, puts a great value on the magazine and creates a need-to-read for those who receive it.

At JM, we consider the individuals working at Strictly Business not only to be close, personal friends, but trusted advisors that will help you understand and determine the value of advertising in a business to business publication. Take a look at their web site,, to find out how to become a part of the Strictly Business connection.