JM is rolling (literally) out a new marketing campaign to spread the good news of our top-notch design, powerful Internet marketing services and speedy web hosting support to all of Omaha. In jm web designs ad on omaha metro buscase you haven’t seen it, we’ve launched a new advertisement – plastered on 4 Omaha-metro buses.

Boasting over 19 years in business, our firm is deeply rooted in Omaha – as we serve many businesses and organizations of all sizes across the metro. It’s our hope that these bus advertisements will build our JM brand throughout the metro-area and serve as a reminder to those looking for our services.

We cannot think of a better place to launch our latest marketing efforts, than an Omaha Metro bus. Its wide reach is unmatched, and it allows us to support a public system that provides economical and ecologically-friendly forms of transportation for all Omaha residents.

If you see our advertisement while you’re out-and-about, don’t forget to drop us an email to let us know what you think!